Before converting 100 feet by 150 feet to acres lets understand basic conversion of both land measurement units.
We know 1 acre is equal to 43,560 square feet. So 1 square feet is equal to 1/43,560 acres.
We have 100 by 150 square feet that means it is equal to 15,000 square feet.
100 by 150 square feet = 100 x 150 square feet = 15,000 square feet
To convert square feet into acre we will use following formula.
Acre = Square feet / 43,560
Lets put values
100 by 150 square feet = 15,000/43,560 acres
100 by 150 square feet = 0.3443526170798898 acres
So 100 by 150 square feet is equal to 0.34 acres approximately.
Area Converter for X feet by Y feet to acres