Tag Uttar Pradesh

Marla to Biswa in Uttar Pradesh

1 Marla is equal to 0.201667 Biswa in Uttar Pradesh. Marla to Biswa Conversion Table Following’s are the converted list of consecutive numbers. Bigha Square Metre (sq mt) Bigha Square Metre (sq mt) Bigha Square Metre (sq mt) Bigha Square…

Biswa to Square Meter

1 Biswa is equal to 125.4192 Square Meter. Biswa to Square Meter Conversion Table Following’s are the converted list of consecutive numbers. Biswa Square Meter (sq mt) Biswa Square Meter (sq mt) Biswa Square Meter (sq mt) Biswa Square Meter…

Biswa to Square Feet

1 Biswa is equal to 1350 Square Feet. Biswa to Square Feet Conversion Table Following’s are the converted list of consecutive numbers. Biswa Square Feet (sq ft) Biswa Square Feet (sq ft) 1 Biswa = 1350 Square Feet (sq ft)…

Acre to Katha in Uttar Pradesh

1 Acre is equal to 1 Acre is equal to 72.6 Katha in Uttar Pradesh. Acre to Katha Conversion Table Following’s are the converted list of consecutive numbers. Acre (ac) Katha Acre (ac) Katha Acre (ac) Katha Acre (ac) Katha…

Hectare to Bigha in Uttar Pradesh

1 Hectare is equal to 3.8746086317733783 Bigha in Uttar Pradesh. Hectare to Bigha Conversion Table Following’s are the converted list of consecutive numbers. Hectare (ha) Bigha Hectare (ha) Bigha Hectare (ha) Bigha Hectare (ha) Bigha 1ha 3.8746bi 51ha 197.6046bi 101ha…

Biswa to Gaj in Uttar Pradesh

1 Biswa is equal to 150 Gaj. Biswa To Gaj Conversion Following’s are the converted list of consecutive numbers. Biswa Gaj Biswa Gaj Biswa Gaj Biswa Gaj 1bs 150gaj2 51bs 7650gaj2 101bs 15150gaj2 151bs 22650gaj2 2bs 300gaj2 52bs 7800gaj2 102bs…

Bhulekh – UP Land Records

Bhulekh is online land record portal for Uttar Pradesh state in India. Indian government initiated a land record computerization program which is known as National Land Record Modernization Program (NLRMP). Uttar Pradesh (UP) government has also started the facility to…